Doris Preucil and Carol Bakker

Preucil School of Music Receives Private Gift From Carol A. Bekker

With much gratitude, Preucil School of Music announces a private gift from a long-time admirer of the School, Carol A. Bekker, of Iowa City. Ms. Bekker has donated $40,000 to the School’s Financial Aid Endowment which will now provide financial…
Brian Cretzmeyer

2018 Brian Cretzmeyer Piano Fund

Preucil School of Music is excited to announce a new endowed financial aid fund: the Brian Cretzmeyer Piano Fund. This fund was established in January 2017 by an initial contribution from the Brian Cretzmeyer Trust for Young Musicians, a 501(c)(3)…
Janice and Herb Wilson

2017 Wilson Family Foundation

Twenty years from now a child will be born, like all children, with a love and innate talent for music – but to a family without the financial resources to make the most of those gifts. This child does not yet have a name, but his or her musical…
Virginia Myers

2017 Virginia Myers Bequest

Virginia Myers, a friend of Preucil School of Music, passed away in 2015.  Virginia, a University of Iowa Post-Grad student in the 1950s, and a U of I faculty member in the 1960s, was an artist, a teacher, and an inventor. This year and…