Preucil School of Music is sad to announce the passing of a dear friend, Janice A. Wilson. Janice was a beloved member of our community and will always be remembered for her kindness, quick smile, and desire to enrich the life of our community.

Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends its condolences to the family and friends of Joe Henderson. Joe was an alum and supporter of the institution. He will be missed.

Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music has lost a long time dear friend and supporter. Charlotte Ann Wilson, passed away on February 11, 2022. She will be truly missed.

Read obituary here.

It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news that our dear friend, Herb Wilson has passed away. Herb leaves behind a beautiful family and an amazing legacy to Preucil School of Music and the greater community. He will be truly missed.

Read obituary here.

We are sad to report that Betty Hernstrom, step-mother Deb Hernstrom, piano teacher has passed. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music is sad to have lost one of its favorite long time adult students, Tim Terry. At various times, Tim pursued voice, cello, and piano lessons. All four of Tim’s children have taken instrument lessons at the school, along with his wife Gretchen. Tim served on the school’s Board of Trustees from 2004 to 2009. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music Family sends its condolences to the Tricia and Paul Windschitl family for the loss of Paul’s father, Cletus Windschitl. Tricia is the Director of Preucil Preschool. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music Family is deeply saddened on the loss of alumni Sebastian Surom. Our condolences go out to the Surom family and his friends. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends its condolences to alumna Flossie and former student David Cox, on the loss of their father, Jeffrey Lee Cox. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends its condolences to alumni students Michael Strauss and Debby (Strauss) Blake on the loss of their mother, Susan Strauss. Read obituary here.

It is with sadness that Preucil School of Music reports the loss of a new and old friend. This past summer Carol A Bekker introduced herself to Doris Preucil. Carol had been quietly coming to Preucil School performances since 1975 when the school was first started. Carol loved music and attended many school events over the years. Carol gifted Preucil School of Music with a donation of $40,000 to be used for student financial aid. Thank you Carol, Rest In Peace. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends it condolences to alumni students Joseph and Este Hart on the loss of their mother, Joan Hart. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends its condolences to our alumni Kristine Summers Stalter and her two children, Elliot and Elspeth on the loss of Edith Summers, mother and grandmother. We send our deepest sympathies to family and friends.  Kristine, Elliot and Elspeth were students for many years and the family was truly dedicated to the school. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends it condolences to the family and friends of Pat Robertson. Pat’s children Callista and Sebastian have been students at Preucil School since 2005. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends its condolences to Robert Davis and his extended family for the loss of his wife, Lillian Davis. Lillian is a former Preucil School of Music parent, Board member, Guild Committee Member, Chair of the Guild Committee and volunteer extraordinaire. Lillian was nominated for and awarded the 2018 Governors Volunteer Award. Click here for 2018 Governor’s Volunteer Award nomination letter. Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends it condolences to our alumni Margaret and Tim Soper on the loss of their mother, Héléne Jolas Soper, Helene volunteered and accompanied at the school during “the early years” and remained a dear friend of Preucil School of Music throughout her life.  Read obituary here.

Preucil School of Music sends it condolences to our alumni Alex Van Dorpe, Rex Van Dorpe and Angelique Roesch for the loss of their father, Paul E. Van Dorpe. Read obituary here.

It is with much sadness we report the loss of a good friend of Preucil School, Michael Thompson. In 2014, Michael, his wife Judy and their family established the “Stacy L Thompson Memorial Fund” in memory of their daughter, Dr. Stacy L. Thompson. The endowed fund honors the memory of Stacy, a local eye surgeon, active community supporter and former member of the Preucil School of Music Guild.

Read obituary here.

Our condolences to Tabitha Rasmussen (Violin/Viola Faculty) and her family for the loss of her father, David Mark Rasmussen.

Read obituary here.