We are a play-based fine arts preschool, inspired by the Reggio Approach and the Suzuki Method. Our staff  focuses on creativity, imagination, and exploration.

The Academic Session meets from the end of August to mid-May. We have a morning-only 6-week summer session from late June to late July.

Preucil Preschool welcomes all. Children ages 3-5 who are potty trained may enroll. To schedule a visit, please contact the North Campus office. One week’s notice is appreciated to avoid times when the Preschool has special activities scheduled.


A full itemization of our preschool academic programs and fees can be viewed here.

Our staff

Learn more, or contact our Preucil Preschool staff here.

More information

More information about Preucil Preschool can be found at our blog.

Morning Preschool

Mixed age classrooms, ages 3-5, 9:00-12:00

  • 2-Day (Tu/Th)
  • 3-Day (MWF)
  • 5-Day (M-F)

Full Day Preschool

Mixed age classrooms, ages 3-5, 9:00-3:00

  • 2-Day (Tu/Th)
  • 3-Day (MWF)
  • 5-Day (M-F)

It is necessary to be concerned about the importance of educating a really beautiful human spirit.  —Shinichi Suzuki