

Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass

The orchestra experience provided by Preucil School of Music is an essential companion to the student’s weekly lesson and integral part of our comprehensive musical training. It motivates students as they expand their technical, reading, and musical skills; allowing the student to expand their musical experience and fellowship.

Orchestras are divided into age and ability appropriate groups and all students are urged to take part from the time note reading is introduced. Students join or move to the next level upon teacher recommendation when specific skill requirements are met.  As they advance, most Preucil School of Music students also participate in their junior and senior high school orchestras.

Level 1

For students in grade 2 and above who have completed appropriate requirements. Placement is based on playing/note reading level, not age.


This orchestra is for the newest, less advanced note readers.

Crescendo Strings

For developing readers at this level.

Vivace Strings

For more advanced readers at this level.

Level 2

For students in grade 7 and above who have completed minimum playing requirements and students in grade 5 and above who have been in Vivace Strings for one year and have met the exceptions playing requirements to enter Level 2.

Concert Orchestra

The only orchestra at this playing level, Concert Orchestra focuses on developing more advanced orchestral, reading and technical skills. It is the development or “prep” orchestra for the Preucil School String Orchestra (PSSO).

Level 3

For students in grade 9 and above who have completed the minimum playing requirements and students in grades 7 and 8 who have met the exceptions playing requirements to enter Level 3. The goals are to study and perform major string orchestra repertoire with professional standards of playing and orchestra protocol. Students demonstrate the fine ability of Suzuki-trained string players.


The Level 3 entry level orchestra.


An audition-only orchestra with the highest playing requirements in Level 3.

Preucil School String Orchestra (PSSO)

PSSO is the largest Level 3 performing orchestra, a combination of Philharmonia and Sinfonietta.

A treasured PSSO privilege is the opportunity to participate in the group’s international tour, which has taken place once every four years since 1991. The tour reflected a generous anonymous donor’s desire to reward Preucil students and enrich their study experience. The generous gift has covered a portion of students’ costs to travel outside the United States, accompanied by parents and sponsors. Although preparation requirements are stringent, each tour group has risen to the occasion!

During its first tour of Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria in 1991, the PSSO won first price for string orchestra at the Vienna International Festival for Music and Youth. Additional destinations have included England in 1994; back to Germany in 1997; Italy in 2001; the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria in 2005; Austria in 2009; China in 2013; and the Baltic States in 2017.

The tour allows students to travel abroad as youth ambassadors of music for the School, the state, and our country. It is indeed an amazing educational experience for the students to perform, explore a new culture, and enjoy downtime together as they become a community. The concert tour allows them to see that music is a universal language and that people are more alike than different.

Group Classes


Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Bass (only prior to Annual String Concert)

Group Classes

Group classes meet weekly to work on technical skill development, repertoire review, and musical style in a motivational setting. Students are placed in a class according to ability level at the beginning of the school year, and remain in this class throughout the year. Group classes give the student the opportunity to work with various teachers at the school since the teacher of the group class may not be the child’s regular lesson teacher.

Weekly Schedule

Pre-Twinkle violin classes meet on Saturday mornings. Book 1 violin and cello classes meet on Thursday afternoons. All other elementary and intermediate classes (and orchestras) meet on Friday afternoons. Advanced string classes and orchestras meet on Monday afternoons. One fee covers both string group class and orchestra participation.


Group classes are occasionally combined for a “play-in.” Play-ins give students at various levels the experience of playing together in a large group. They also serve as rehearsals for outreach performances and the Annual Concert in Hancher Auditorium.

Chamber Music

Chamber Music

Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Piano, Flute, Harp

Chamber music refers to “a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments—traditionally a group that could fit in a palace chamber or a large room.” Pieces generally include a small number of performers, with each performer playing a unique part. Because of its small size and history of being played within the home and other intimate settings, chamber music has been called “the music of friends.”

Preucil School of Music offers many chamber opportunities, each allowing students the opportunity for music and social collaboration.

Winter Chamber Program

The Winter Chamber Program is a 10-week chamber program that runs during second semester, February to mid-April. Each chamber group receives one coaching per week, 30 minutes for duets or 45 minutes for trios, quartets or quintets. All groups perform in the final Winter Chamber Recital.

Preucil School of Music students in grades 3-12 who have completed Book 3 and two reading books are eligible to enroll, as are adults who play at the intermediate level or above. Funding for the Winter Chamber Program is made possible in part by a grant from the Associated Chamber Music Players (ACMP) Network.

Summer Chamber Fest

Summer Chamber Fest is a week-long program of daily chamber music coachings, supervised chamber practices, jam/fiddle classes, and master classes with guest clinicians and Preucil faculty. String students participate in a chamber orchestra. During orchestra, non-string students participate in a relevant music class that is different each year. Violinists may take Viola for Violinists which explores the viola, its clef, and instrument in general. The final concert concludes the week.

Entrance requirements are the same as the Winter Chamber Program.

Established Ensembles

The Established Ensembles Program includes groups that meet on a regular basis during the academic year. These ensembles study chamber music in depth, perform in guest artist master classes, and participate in the school’s outreach program. Outreach groups serve as ambassadors of the school.

Performance Opportunities

Performance Opportunities

Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Piano, Flute, Harp

Preucil School of Music schedules many recitals and concerts each year. These opportunities help students develop performance skills, motivate their study of the Suzuki curriculum, and provide inspiration and enjoyment to fellow students and audience members.


School Recitals

Each student performs annually in a formal recital held in Wilson Auditorium or in a studio recital in Wilson Auditorium or Walder Hall.

Graduation Recitals

A graduation recital celebrating the completion of a Suzuki book can be a milestone in a child’s musical development. Upon completion of a book, students can perform the entire book at a recital for family and friends in one of our auditoriums or at their home, a park, etc.

Solo Recitals

Advanced students and seniors often present solo recitals in one of the school’s performance spaces. Parents assume the responsibility of publicity and hospitality.

Annual String Concert at Hancher Auditorium

The Annual String Concert gives string and flute students the experience of participating in a special concert in a high-class performance space.

Orchestra Festival

The Orchestra Festival Concert showcases the school’s six string orchestras.

Faculty and Guest Concerts

Concerts (usually free of charge) by visiting performers, alumni, and faculty are held during the year.


School Recitals

Each student performs annually in a formal recital held in Wilson Auditorium or in a studio recital in Wilson Auditorium or Walder Hall.

Graduation Recitals

A graduation recital celebrating the completion of a Suzuki book can be a milestone in a child’s musical development. Upon completion of a book, students can perform the entire book at a recital for family and friends in one of our auditoriums or at their home, a park, etc.

Solo Recitals

Advanced students and seniors often present solo recitals in one of the school’s performance spaces. Parents assume the responsibility of publicity and hospitality.

Faculty and Guest Concerts

Concerts (usually free of charge) by visiting performers, alumni, and faculty are held during the year.

Piano Festival

Piano students in Books 3 and up have a biennial Piano Festival, held at North Campus in Walder Hall.

Piano Workshop

Each year there is a Piano Workshop for students in Books 1 and 2. This event includes a variety of activities, including master classes and other enrichment activities.

Master Classes

Master Classes

Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Piano, Flute, Harp

At times when nationally recognized artists visit the Iowa City area, Preucil School offers its students the opportunity to experience master classes.

About Master Classes

In a master class, a respected artist works with one student or a small group, providing a learning opportunity for performers and observers. The guest artist will address matters of musicality and performance presentation, explaining key aspects of the piece to the performer and the audience.

Participants learn from the teacher’s feedback while gaining performance experience. Audience members learn from watching the interaction between teacher and student. For all the students, a new teacher’s different explanation or interpretation stimulates learning.

Velay Certificate Program

Velay Certificate Program

Available for: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Piano, Flute, Harp

The Velay Certificate Program challenges each student to read, write, and hear the language of music with a high level of literacy. This tuition-free program for high school students includes intensive study in theory and musicianship, keyboard, and chamber music in addition to regular lessons and orchestra membership. Students successfully completing the two-year course receive certificates at graduation which are recognized by leading music schools. Participation in the program is encouraged for students planning a musical career as well as those who want a more in-depth understanding of music.

Eligibility and Cost

All students in grades 9-11 who have completed the Intermediate Level on their primary instrument may apply. The two-year course begins in each odd-numbered year, with a maximum enrollment of 10 students. Beginning the program as a freshman or sophomore is recommended.


The next program cycle will be Fall 2025.

Tuition is covered by the Certificate Program Fund, a gift from Alexandra Velay, a former adult student of Doris Preucil. Students pay a registration fee of $100 each year of the program and purchase their own materials. Students who wish to register for single courses within the Velay Certificate Program are assessed the regular tuition costs.

Required Courses for the Two-Year Program

  1. Private Instrumental Lessons *
  2. Preucil School String Orchestra or Piano Dept events *
  3. Literature and Materials of Music (26 weeks per year)
  4. Piano Class for non-pianists (26 weeks per year)
  5. Winter Chamber Program (14-week second semester)
  6. Performance of a solo or partner recital by June of senior year

*tuition not included in grant

Necessary Student Commitment

Since students are recipients of a substantial scholarship, a good intent to finish the two-year program to the best of their ability is expected.

  1. Regular class attendance More than four absences in any class each year results in being dropped from the program. Two times late equals one absence. Assignments must be completed for missed classes. Attendance and assignments are carefully monitored. Concert attendance and other activities may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor.
  2. Preparation Homework of up to 2 hours and daily practice for Piano Class is expected to be carefully completed each week. Students may remain in the program with a minimum grade of 75%, but an 88% average is required to receive a Certificate.
  3. Instrumental Practice Students should challenge themselves to practice 10 hours per week, and not less than 8 hours. This amount of practice should make it possible to fill the repertoire requirements for the Certificate.


A progress report will be emailed each January and June.

Presentation of Certificates

Certificates will be presented at Senior Graduation according to the following levels of accomplishment:

  1. Certificate of Participation in Musical Studies.
    1. Completion of courses with minimum grades of 88%.
    2. Performance on a partner recital or submission of a 750-1000 word essay on an assigned subject by June of senior year.
  2. Certificate of Excellence in Musicianship.
    • See 1a above.
    • Completion of advanced level instrumental requirements by May of senior year.
    • Performance on a solo or partner recital by June of senior year.
  3. Certificate of Excellence with Performance Honors
    • See 1a above.
    • Completion of pre-professional instrumental requirements by May of senior year. Playing must show refinement of tone, intonation, technique and communicate sensitivity and expression.
    • Performance of a solo recital by June of senior year.

*Students may request a “Certificate of Completion” to be included in any college application portfolio.

Apply for the Velay Certificate Program

Read more details on the online Velay Certificate Program application.

  • Write a 200-word essay expressing your interest in the Velay Certificate Program and the importance of music in your life.
  • Upload your essay and submit the application no later than August 1. An annual registration fee will be applied to your fall registration.

Classes are held on Thursdays from 5:15-6:45 and begin in early September.

Advanced Performing Groups


Available for: Violin, Cello

Espressivo Strings

Espressivo Strings is a performance group made of advanced violin students who are interested in expanding their skills and repertoire beyond what is possible in private lessons. Students who have completed the Suzuki repertoire are eligible to audition. Members range in age from twelve to eighteen years old. The weekly rehearsals work on memorization of music, sight reading, and exercises to build individual technique and ensemble skills. Music ranges from Baroque to Contemporary, with emphasis on the Romantic period associated with salon performance in the early 20th century. The group has performed in the Midwest, Asia, Europe, and the UK.

NOTE: All students participating in Espressivo Strings must participate in an appropriate Preucil orchestra.

Ensemble con Brio

Ensemble con Brio is a performing group for violinists in books 6–8+. Students must be recommended by their teacher and there are no age requirements. The group will be supplementing the standard Suzuki repertoire with additional pieces. Members must be willing to put in additional practice time. The goal is to create a young performing group of violinists with good posture, pitch, and tone that can be called upon to represent the school in public appearances when opportunities arise. Sometimes, the group may combine with Espressivo Strings for special appearances.

Cello Choir

Cello Choir offers our advanced cello players another ensemble opportunity. Consisting entirely of cellists, students explore chamber music in 2-12 different parts. They have played everything from Classical to Ragtime. Rehearsals are centered around ensemble practice and serve as an advanced technique class. Cello choir is an invaluable supplement to orchestra and private lessons. This group is performance oriented and will perform throughout the year.

Junior Cello Choir

Junior Cello Choir is an ensemble made up of only cellos. This group is an introductory course to Cello Choir. It is open to 6th–9th graders or book 4-6. We will explore music in 2-8 parts. Students learn to play independently within a group. It is a great class to build reading skills.

Enrollment Steps: